KCNA completes Statewide Fiber Installation!
The KentuckyWired project reached a significant milestone this summer when KCNA completed installation of the final segment of fiber optic cable in Ring 4 in western Kentucky. All fiber optic cable required for operation of the network statewide is attached to poles or run through conduit. The next critical objective is migration of the state offices, community colleges and public universities to the network. Currently, the plan is to connect 769 Sites to the network. To date, KCNA has connected 433 offices and higher education institutions to the network.
Project Funding Debt Receives Rating Upgrade
The KentuckyWired project (KentuckyWired Infrastructure Co., Inc.)’s outstanding debt received a rating upgrade from Moody’s Investor Service on September 21, 2023.
The rating action reflects
• The project’s continued sound operating and financial performance, which remain in line with forecast expectations
• The absence of performance deductions impacting the project’s operations
• The completion of all remaining construction, and
• The project’s strong contractual cost recovery framework.
The ratings on the project’s $225 million Series 2015A and $56.3 million Series 2015B were upgraded to Baa1
Construction Update - ~99% Complete

Construction Update - 83% Complete
General Butler joins KentuckyWired
General Butler State Resort Park near Carrollton became the first state park to transition over to the KentuckyWired network today. Their internet speed soared from 5.1mbps to 50mbps!
First users of KentuckyWired celebrate reliable, fast connection in rural areas
The high-speed fiber optic network will improve internet access in all 120 counties
"I would recommend this to anybody," says Karen Wotier, one of the first users of KentuckyWired - the state-owned, high-speed fiber optic cable network going into government offices in all 120 Kentucky counties. Wotier is the building manager for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) branch location in Owenton. It was the first office to transition to KentuckyWired in December. "With our old system, when we opened up in the morning – even with just one person here - after 10 or 15 minutes, that little circle was still spinning on my computer screen," Wotier said. "Now, with KentuckyWired, [the pages I need] come right up. It's amazing." Read the full story here.
Sites Lighting Up on KentuckyWired
Frankfort, KY (January 27, 2020) - KentuckyWired, the state-run project constructing high-speed fiber optic infrastructure to every Kentucky county, has begun connecting government offices in the northern section of the state known as Ring 1A.
The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) office in Owenton was the first site to transition over to KentuckyWired on Dec. 5. Now, after extensive testing to ensure network connections are working properly, other government sites are transitioning to the KentuckyWired network.
The second site, the Child Support office in Cynthiana, was connected to the network on Jan. 23. Three more offices, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet office in Covington, General Butler State Park near Carrollton and Kentucky State Police Post #6 in Dry Ridge, should join the network within the next two to three weeks.
Read the full story

KCNA Board Meeting
The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNCA) Board met Thursday, January 16, 2020 in the Capitol Building. Secretary of the governor's executive cabinet and Chairman of the KCNA Board, J. Michael Brown, introduced KCNA's new executive director Jamie Link.
COO Mike Hayden, General Counsel Doug Hendrix, and CFO Steve Murphy presented an update on the construction and financial status of the KentuckyWired project.
Hayden said the fiber construction is approximately 80-85% complete, and is scheduled to be completed by the end of October of this year. Doug Hendrix informed the new board members about the contracts involved in the project, and described some of the delays the project has undergone. CFO Steve Murphy explained the financial operations of KentuckyWired.
The Board then went into closed session for approximately 30 minutes to discuss potential litigation against KCNA, after which the meeting was adjourned.
The entire open session can be seen on the KCNA Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/KentuckyWired

Link Named New Executive Director of KentuckyWired
FRANKFORT, Ky. (January 8, 2020) – Jamie Link has been named Executive Director of the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) – the state agency overseeing the KentuckyWired project. During a special meeting Wednesday, Link was voted in and hired by the KCNA Board. He replaces Interim Director Deck Decker.
Link brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the agency. Previously he has served as the Finance Director for UK Student and Academic Life, Executive Director of the Kentucky Horse Park, Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Steve Beshear, and Deputy Cabinet Secretary for the Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet.
Link says, "I am honored to join the team at the Kentucky Communications Network Authority and look forward to advancing the project for world-class service to every area of the Commonwealth and to our citizens. I truly believe the projects will be transformational to our state and establish Kentucky as a national leader in broadband access for economic development, education, healthcare, and countless other purposes."
"After reviewing reports from the auditor and the legislative committee, it is clear that the KentuckyWired project needs an experienced project manager," said Executive Cabinet Secretary and KCNA Board chair, J. Michael Brown. "From his executive posts at the University of Kentucky and throughout state government to his successful management of Kentucky's World Equestrian Games, Jamie has demonstrated he has the skills needed to lead this project. By working together, we are going to expand Kentuckians' access to broadband and move our Commonwealth forward."

KentuckyWired Begins Activation of Government Offices
Frankfort, KY (December 6, 2019) - KentuckyWired, The Commonwealth's high-speed fiber optic cable network, activated its first site Thursday, December 5, when the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) office in Owenton transitioned their services to the KentuckyWired network.
Deck Decker, Interim Director of the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA), which oversees the KentuckyWired project, said the transition went smoothly. "We're very happy with the results of this first real use of the network. Sites all over the Commonwealth will be coming on line now beginning with those in the northern section known as Ring 1A."
Decker said all rings should be up and running by October of 2020. He added that KentuckyWired's fiber optic network will bring speeds five times faster than what government sites now have.
According to Deck Decker, construction of the 3,000-mile network is over two-thirds complete. "Work is ongoing throughout the entire state, and fiber construction is now complete in Ring 1A, 1B, and 2. And Ring 5 will be finished this month," he said.
The KentuckyWired network will connect state offices and institutions, state police posts, state parks, and state veterans homes in all 120 counties throughout the entire Commonwealth. Anywhere along its path, private companies can connect to KentuckyWired and lease its fiber.
The KentuckyWired project will help internet companies extend service to more rural areas, attract businesses to build in Kentucky, strengthen the capabilities of law enforcement and first responders, and enhance healthcare and education opportunities.
Data Begins Flowing in Ring 1A
Data traffic began flowing through a major segment of Commonwealth's fiber optic cable network, KentuckyWired, on Wednesday, October 23. Although cable construction of Ring 1A was complete in June, the flow of data could not begin until work was complete inside the main data base centers in Frankfort and Florence. Data traffic is now flowing between those data base centers in a 2-week testing stage. Ring 1A is the Louisville-to-Lexington-to-Cincinnati segment of the network, and is the first of six rings to be completed.
Deck Decker, Interim Director of the Kentucky Communications Network Authority, the state agency overseeing KentuckyWired, says, "Government sites will soon begin lighting up along 1A, which means state offices will have faster service." In addition, says Decker, "Half of the fiber in the 288-strand cable will be available for lease to private companies, helping to pay for the construction and maintenance of the network."
Completion of fiber construction in Rings 1B and 2 in Eastern Kentucky was announced at the 2019 SOAR Summit in Pikeville on September 6. Independent certification of sites is still ongoing in those areas and is expected to be completed very soon. According to Decker, those rings should be "fully operational before Christmas."
KentuckyWired is a state-run project constructing high-speed, high-capacity fiber optic cable in every county in Kentucky. The KentuckyWired network is a "middle mile" project connecting government offices, universities, community colleges, state police posts, state parks, and other government institutions to the global internet.
The entire 3,000-mile KentuckyWired fiber optic cable network is scheduled to be completed by October of 2020.

At the SOAR Summit in Pikeville Friday, Sep 6, Congressman Hal Rogers and Governor Matt Bevin announced completion of the construction phase of Rings 1B and 2, covering most of Eastern Kentucky.


Interim CEO of KentuckyWired Deck Decker speaks at the Governor's Local Issues Conference Thursday, August 29, at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville. Decker said fiber is being placed rapidly, adding "We are on target to have construction done in nine months."

KCNA Board Holds Special Meeting
Frankfort, Ky. (August 14, 2019) - The Board of the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) held a special meeting today at the State Capitol building. Secretary of the Executive Cabinet, Scott Brinkman, chaired the meeting. Minutes of previous meetings were approved. KCNA Lead Counsel, Doug Hendrix, gave details concerning the recent $100 million bond sale, which closed on August 6. Sec. Brinkman explained the KentuckyWired lease to the Center for Rural Development. Following the Board's ratification of the lease, the board held a brief closed-door session.

KentuckyWired Finalizes $100M Bond Sale to Fund Settlement and Project Costs
Buildout of 3,000 miles of fiber optic network more than halfway completed
Frankfort, Ky. (August 12, 2019) - The Kentucky Communication Network Authority (KCNA), the agency responsible for overseeing the Commonwealth's KentuckyWired fiber optic cable network project, finalized a bond sale of $102,090,000 last week.
The City of Williamsburg issued the bonds for the KentuckyWired Infrastructure Company. The Series 2019 municipal bonds were purchased by Morgan Stanley.
The majority of the proceeds—$93 million—will be used to fund the settlement agreement between KCNA and its primary contractor, NG-KIH Design Build LLC. The remainder will be held to fund project needs.
According to KCNA Interim Executive Director Deck Decker, KCNA was able to save millions of dollars through the structure of this deal and favorable market conditions. "KCNA was able to access a market with historically low rates to reap maximum benefit from this deal," he said.
Construction of the KentuckyWired project is well over halfway complete, with more than 1,700 miles of the planned 3,000 miles of fiber cable placed so far. Construction is complete in the first section from Lexington to Louisville and Cincinnati, known as Ring 1A. Construction of Ring 1B, in Eastern Kentucky, is projected to be finished in early September.
KentuckyWired is a middle mile network, building high-speed fiber optic cable in all 120 counties, connecting government offices, universities, community colleges, state police posts, and state parks.
Along its 3,000-mile path, private companies can connect to the network and lease its fiber. This will enable private internet companies to expand their service farther into more rural areas. KentuckyWired will significantly enhance opportunities for education, healthcare, economic investment and job growth for Kentuckians.

The Center For Rural Delevopment is helping expand the reach of KentuckyWired with their Technology Assistance Program (TAP)
The Center for Rural Development is helping communities explore ways to become “fiber ready” following Governor Matt Bevin and U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers’ recent announcement that a major milestone achievement has been reached for KentuckyWired, the Commonwealth’s high-speed fiber optic network. The first portion of the network, known as Ring 1A, and a key backbone segment from Lexington to Somerset are now complete, allowing for expansion of the network into Eastern Kentucky as the project moves into the next phase.
During the announcement Rogers explained the project’s origins. “The Center for Rural Development and SOAR advocated for a transformational broadband system that would revitalize Eastern Kentucky. To be fair, the expense to bring service into the depths of our mountains simply has not been feasible for most providers, especially our small rural companies. But KentuckyWired eliminates that obstacle by developing this ready-made network that providers can connect to and build from. Much like our utility co-ops, our infrastructure in Eastern Kentucky would remain decades behind without innovative investments like this,” said Rogers.
Read the full story here.

KentuckyWired Achieves Another Milestone with
Installation of Final Local Telecommunications Hut
FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 9, 2019) – The state's KentuckyWired project reached another milestone, placing the last of 20 local telecommunications huts across the state. The final hut was installed in Henderson, near U.S. Highway 41 and the Henderson bypass on June 27. The huts, housing communications equipment vital to the KentuckyWired fiber optic network, are located primarily at state police posts and Kentucky Community and Technical College campuses.
See full press release here.

Gov. Bevin, Congressman Rogers Announce
Completion of First Phase of KentuckyWired Project
Completion of Ring 1A moves rural broadband connectivity closer to completion
FRANKFORT, Ky. (June 28, 2019) – Gov. Matt Bevin and Congressman Hal Rogers today announced a major milestone achievement for the Commonwealth's high-speed fiber optic network – KentuckyWired.
The first portion of the network, known as Ring 1A, is now complete and includes Louisville, Lexington and Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. Additionally, a key backbone segment from Lexington to Somerset has also been completed, allowing for expansion of the network into Eastern Kentucky as the project moves into the next phase...
To see the full press release, click here.
To see the press conference handout, click here.
To see video of the press conference, click here.

KCNA Board Meeting
The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Board met Thursday, June 20, 2019 in the Capitol building. Secretary of the Executive Cabinet, Scott Brinkman, chaired the meeting. KCNA Acting Executive Director, Deck Decker gave an update on the KentuckyWired project, saying three times the usual amount of fiber was constructed last month.
Lead counsel for KCNA, Doug Hendrix, spoke of Tuesday's meeting of the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee meeting in which the committee did not approve KCNA's request for bond issuance of $110 million. The request now goes to Finance and Administration Cabinet Secretary William Landrum. Secretary Landrum has 30 days to make a decision as to whether or not to approve issuing of the bonds.
This was the final meeting of the KCNA Board for this year. The next meetings will be held January 16 and June 18, 2020.

KCNA Advisory Group Meeting
The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Advisory Group held its second meeting of the year Thursday, May 16, 2019 in the Capitol Annex building in Frankfort. Acting KCNA Executive Director Deck Decker presided over the meeting and gave an update on KentuckyWired construction. A presentation was given by Tyler Campbell, the Executive Director of the Kentucky Telecom Association.
Click here for presentation materials from Tyler Campbell
Construction Update

KentuckyWired Means Kentucky Hired
FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 5, 2019) –When the
KentuckyWired broadband project began building its 3,350-mile network of
high-speed fiber optic cable, the Commonwealth ensured that at least 60 percent
of work-hours used for construction would be from local labor, and included
that requirement in the state’s contract with its builder. Three years into the
project that promise has not only been kept, but exceeded. The latest report
from KentuckyWired’s primary contractor, NG-KIH Design-Build LLC, shows 80
percent of construction work-hours to date have been performed by Kentucky
Click here for the full press release.
KCNA's Phillip Brown on WLEX-TV

KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown discusses KentuckyWired on WLEX-TV's Digital Conversation with Dia Davidson, February 28, 2019.
Watch the 15-minute interview here.

KCNA Advisory Group Meeting
The Kentucky Communications Network Authority Advisory Group (KAG) held its first meeting of the year Thursday, February 21, 2019 in the Capitol Annex building in Frankfort. Cory Krill presided over the meeting and gave an update on KentuckyWired construction. Presentations were also given by Grace Simrall of the Louisville Metro Office of Performance Improvement & Innovation, and Terry Barnes of the Solarity Group.
Click here for presentation materials from Grace Simrall.
Click here or presentation materials from Terry Barnes.

KentuckyWired Hits 1,000
FRANKFORT, Ky. (February 21, 2019) - KentuckyWired, a broadband project installing high-speed fiber optic cable in every county, has now completed over 1,000 miles of its planned 3,000-mile network, with 1,090 miles of fiber either on aerial poles or in underground conduit, and another 500 miles ready for fiber deployment in the coming weeks.
The head of the state agency overseeing the project says it is an important milestone. Phillip Brown, Executive Director of Kentucky Communications Network Authority said, "Obtaining the necessary pole attachment agreements to use over 70,000 utility poles owned by over 70 different entities was a slow process. Now, with all of those agreements finalized and make-ready construction increasing, the actual process of hanging fiber cable is picking up rapidly."
The project is currently on track for completion in October 2020, with portions of the network activated before that scheduled completion date. Brown said, "We expect to activate the first portion of the network in the first half of 2019, well ahead of the current schedule."
Although construction is taking place throughout the entire Commonwealth, the first portion to be completed will be the Cincinnati-Louisville-Lexington area because the major uplinks to the global internet are in Louisville and Cincinnati. Immediately afterward, the areas in Eastern Kentucky will be completed.
Once the first portion, or "ring", is complete KentuckyWired can begin saving the Commonwealth money by utilizing its own middle mile network rather paying private internet companies. KentuckyWired is also expected to generate millions of dollars by leasing half of its fiber to private companies. Those additional funds will also help pay for the construction and maintenance of the project.
The network will connect state government offices and institutions, state police posts, universities and community colleges. Almost anywhere along its route, companies will have the opportunity to connect and lease the network's fiber.
KentuckyWired's ultra-high speed fiber optic cable will bring an economic boost to the economy, attract businesses to Kentucky, bring in more jobs, enhance healthcare and education, facilitate better coordination among first responders, and enable internet service providers and cellular companies to bring service to more remote areas of the commonwealth.
(Click here for a .pdf version of this item.)

KentuckyWired Helps Veterans Centers
Frankfort, KY (Feb. 13, 2019) – The Commonwealth's broadband project, KentuckyWired, is currently installing high-speed fiber optic cable in all 120 counties, connecting state government offices, universities, community colleges, state police posts, and many other community facilities. Among these are two of the state's veterans centers — Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center in Hazard and Western Kentucky Veterans Center in Hanson.
The centers are long-term care facilities, built for the sole purpose of taking care of Kentucky veterans. They provide physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and many other medical services.
Neil Napier, Administrator for the Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center in Hazard said, "KentuckyWired's fiber optic cable will be a tremendous benefit to our veterans and staff here, enabling us to rapidly send and receive medical images and information, and helping us use and maintain electronic medical records."
Napier added the current internet service "is very slow, especially when patients are utilizing their computers and laptops. High-speed internet connection is a vital service for our residents to maintain relationships with their family, friends and community. It promotes both mental and emotional health for everyone."
"The KDVA is absolutely thrilled with the upcoming installation of high-speed fiber optics internet at our Eastern and Western Kentucky Veterans Centers," said KDVA Commissioner Ben Adams said. "This structure will complement our veterans centers' new Point Click Care electronic health care record currently being fielded in a way that will expedite and increase the proficiency of the documentation entered daily on every resident.
"This new capability will also offer the veterans, their family members and visitors increased access to the internet, as well as the center's activities programs and the new call-bell system. I would like to thank the Commonwealth for including the KDVA in this important initiative and look forward to expanding this new capability to our other two veterans centers in Nicholasville and Radcliff."
KentuckyWired will enable private internet and cellular companies to bring better service to many underserved locations. It will help first responders and healthcare providers, enhance education, and boost economic development. It will also help to attract companies to build in Kentucky, creating more job opportunities. The completion date for the entire network is October 2020, although portions of the network will be activated earlier.
(Click here for a .pdf version of this item.)
Construction Status January 9, 2019

Click here for a .pdf version of this item.

KCNA Board Meeting
Frankfort, Ky. (September 21, 2018) – The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Board met Thursday afternoon, September 20, in the capitol building. KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown updated the board on several aspects of the KentuckyWired project including its monthly average progress and total miles of fiber optic cable constructed (837 miles). Executive Cabinet Secretary and board chairperson Scott Brinkman announced the board would meet twice next year - January 17 and June 20, 2019.
Food Drive for Emergency Food Pantry

Food Drive for Emergency Food Pantry
(November 20, 2018) - The staff of Kentucky Communications Network Authority donated to the Emergency Community Food Pantry of Franklin County this week. Small office - big hearts.

KCNA Board Meets
Frankfort, Ky. (September 21, 2018) – The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Board met Thursday afternoon, September 20, in the capitol building. KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown updated the board on several aspects of the KentuckyWired project including its monthly average progress and total miles of fiber optic cable constructed (837 miles). Executive Cabinet Secretary and board chairperson Scott Brinkman announced the board would meet twice next year - January 17 and June 20, 2019.
KCNA at SOAR Summit
Frankfort, KY (August 31, 2018). The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) was highly visible at the SOAR Summit in Pikeville, KY August 30-31. Randy Lutke and Dana Case were on hand to answer questions and hand out information. KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown took part in a panel discussion titled “Tech in Appalachia.” Also on the panel were Keith Gabbard (CEO Peoples Rural Telephone Cooperative), Jim Tom Trent (Mayor, Morehead, KY), and Lonnie Lawson (President/CEO, Center for Rural Development). The SOAR Summit was held in the Eastern Kentucky Expo Center in Pikeville. Event speakers included Governor Matt Bevin, U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers, and SOAR Executive Director Jared Arnett. Keynote speaker for the 2-day summit was retired Army Major General Vinny Boles.

Governor's Local Issues Conference
Frankfort, KY (August 15, 2018) - KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown spoke this morning as part of the 43rd Annual Governor's Local Issues Conference in Louisville, updating the crowd on the Commonwealth's KentuckyWired project. So far 831 miles of high-speed fiber optic cable have been constructed throughout Kentucky.
KACO Broadband Workshop
Frankfort, Ky (August 2, 2018) - Kentucky Communications Network Authority Executive Director Phillip Brown spoke before a Kentucky Association of Counties workshop today in Frankfort. Brown presented the latest update on the Commonwealth's KentuckyWired project.
Hut Installed in Glasgow
Frankfort, KY (July 20, 2018) A telecommuications hut and generator were installed at Southwest Kentucky Community and Technical College in Glasgow Friday, July 20th. They are part of the Commonwealth's KentuckyWired project, constructing 3,000 miles of ultra-high speed fiber optic cable into every county.

Rotary Club Presentation
Pikeville, KY (June 6, 2018) Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Executive Director Phillip Brown addressed the Pikeville Rotary Club Wednesday, June 6th in Pikeville. Brown updated the group on the KentuckyWired project, including the latest completion schedule and the appropriation of funds during the 2018 regular legislative session.

Exec Director Speaks in Morehead
Thursday May 10, 2018. KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown updates county officials on KentuckyWired in Morehead, KY.

KentuckyWired COO Speaks to TSAT
Versailles, KY (April 20, 2018) – Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Chief Operating Officer Mike Hayden addressed members of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System's (KCTCS) Technical Services Advisory Team (TSAT) Thursday, April 19 in Versailles. Hayden, speaking in the KCTCS facility in Versailles, updated the group on the current schedule for completion of each ring of the KentuckyWired project, and on the appropriation of funds for KCNA during the recent regular session of the Kentucky General Assembly.
TSAT is a group of individuals in technical fields, employed by Kentucky community colleges. KentuckyWired is connecting to community colleges, universities, government offices, and libraries throughout the Commonwealth.
Presentation material can be found here.
KCNA Advisory Group Meeting
Frankfort, KY (April 19, 2018) – KentuckyWired's Advisory Group (KAG) met Thursday, April 19 in the Capitol Annex building in Frankfort. Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Executive Director Phillip Brown gave a construction update saying, "735 miles of high-speed fiber optic cable have now been deployed."
The Advisory Group also discussed action taken by Kentucky's 2018 General Assembly to appropriate funds for availability payments for the next two years plus the authority to borrow funding to cover the costs of "supervening events" that have delayed the project's construction.
Construction of the entire KentuckyWired network is expected to be complete by mid-2020, with sections of the network complete and operational before that.

KCNA Board Meets
Frankfort, Ky. (March 15, 2018) – The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Board met March 15th in the capitol building and was updated by KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown on several aspects of the KentuckyWired project including its Network Capacity Wholesaler Agreement, third party agreements, and legislative action that may affect the project. During the meeting it was announced that KentuckyWired has made significant progress obtaining pole attachment agreements, with only 3 or 4 remaining, and has now constructed over 700 miles of the network. The next KCNA board meeting will be held June 21st.

KentuckyWired Updates House Committee
Frankfort, KY (February 1, 2018) - KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown and Chief Operating Officer Mike Hayden spoke before the Kentucky State House Standing Committee on Small Business and Information Technology February 1st, presenting an update on the KentuckyWired project. The committee received information about the current status of construction, many ways the Commonwealth will benefit from KentuckyWired, and wholesaling fiber upon completion of the project. Presentation slides are available here.

KentuckyWired Advisory Group Meets
Frankfort, KY (January 18, 2018) The KentuckyWired Advisory Group (KAG) quarterly meeting was held Thursday, January 18th in the capitol annex building in Frankfort. Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Executive Director Phillip Brown addressed the advisory group saying 619 miles of fiber optic cable have been installed. He also discussed availability payments, the cost of supervening events, and details involved in make-ready construction. The next meeting will be held April 19, 2018; time and location to be determined.

KentuckyWired Installs Broadband 'Hut' in Maysville
FRANKFORT, KY. (Dec 15, 2017) – The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) installed a "hut" next to Maysville Community and Technical College on December 14, 2017. The hut is part of KentuckyWired's high-speed fiber optic cable network being installed in every county in Kentucky.
State Senator Stephen West said, "I am pleased to congratulate Maysville and Mason County on the new KentuckyWired hut that will serve as a critical piece of infrastructure for the city and county alike. High-speed internet connectivity is crucial to a prosperous economic climate, and I look forward to the positive impact this project will have on our region."
The huts, which are being placed throughout the Commonwealth, will be the connection point for all state government offices, universities, community colleges, libraries, and internet service providers for Mason county and surrounding areas.
"The KentuckyWired project has the potential to be a game-changer for our region and the Commonwealth, so I definitely appreciate the addition of this hut and the boost it will bring to our broadband speed and access," said State Representative John Sims. "Faster internet is becoming an increasingly crucial component of almost everything – from education and law enforcement to economic development and government– so this hut takes us a step closer to bringing the level of internet service everyone in Kentucky needs and deserves."
The hut is 15 feet wide, 22 feet long, and 9 feet high and was placed on the northwest corner of the Maysville Community and Technical College campus, along with a generator.
KentuckyWired will enhance the speed and efficiency of state government agencies and bring an economic boost to the Commonwealth as its middle mile network becomes available to the private sector. It will also enhance healthcare, education, cellular phone service, and enrich the lives of all citizens of Kentucky. The first portion of the KentuckyWired network is expected to be functional in 2019.
Click here for a .pdf version of this item.
KentuckyWired Installs Broadband 'Hut' in Pikeville
FRANKFORT, KY. (Nov. 29, 2017) – The Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) installed a "hut" next to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) District 12 office in Pikeville on Tuesday, November 21st. The hut is part of KentuckyWired's high-speed fiber optic cable network being installed in every county throughout the Commonwealth.
Pike County State Senator Ray Jones II said, "There are countless numbers of opportunities that come with access to broadband. This network will help our economically distressed region attract businesses which means jobs and investment in our community."
The huts, which are being placed throughout the Commonwealth, will be the connection point for all state government offices, universities, community colleges, libraries, and internet service providers for the entire Pike county area.
"Faster and more reliable broadband internet service is absolutely critical as we look for ways to improve government services and increase opportunities for our schools and businesses," said state Rep. Angie Hatton of Whitesburg. "I want to thank the Kentucky Communications Network Authority for taking this step and moving the overall KentuckyWired project forward. Once it is complete, we will be in a much better position to connect to and compete with the rest of the world."
The hut is 15 feet wide, 22 feet long, and 9 feet high and was placed at 109 Loraine Street just outside the KYTC office, along with a generator.
KentuckyWired will enhance the speed and efficiency of state government agencies and bring an economic boost to the Commonwealth as its middle mile network becomes available to the private sector, encouraging companies to build in Kentucky. It will also enhance healthcare, education, cellular phone service, and enrich the lives of all citizens of Kentucky. The first portion of the KentuckyWired network is expected to be functional in 2018.
(Click here for a .pdf version of this item.)

KCNA in Hazard Workshop
Frankfort, KY. (November 15, 2017) - KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown spoke to a broadband workshop in Hazard November 14th, updating them on the KentuckyWired network. He told the audience at the Broadband and Your Community Workshop 103 about the challenges of make-ready engineering and make-ready construction, and corrected some misconceptions about easements and the use of imminent domain. The workshop included several panel discussions and speakers from the telecommunications and broadband industries as well as a panel of high school and college students.

Harlan County Receives KentuckyWired Broadband 'Hut'
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Nov. 8, 2017) – Kentucky State Police (KSP) Post 10 on U.S. Highway 421 in Harlan County received a "hut" from the Kentucky Communications Network Authority on Thursday, November 2nd. The hut is part of KentuckyWired's high-speed fiber optic cable network being installed in every county throughout the Commonwealth.
The hut will serve as a connection point for KSP to link to the 288-strand fiber cable, helping troopers communicate with other first responders and government agencies by transmitting and receiving data faster than ever before. It will help them download files, access cameras, traffic information, photographs, criminal records, blueprints, and other information, and increase their ability to respond to emergencies.
State Representative and retired KSP trooper Chris Fugate said, "KentuckyWired will bring critical infrastructure for economic development, jobs, and education to Eastern Kentucky and its people. The installation of a KentuckyWired hut in Harlan is great progress on the project's construction and should encourage anyone who recognizes its value and potential to lift up our region's quality of life."
Harlan County State Senator Johnny Ray Turner said, "Streamlining correspondence between troopers and other first responders is critical for the citizens they serve and protect. This move will help first responders be more effective and efficient, and in their profession every second counts."
The hut is 15 feet wide, 22 feet long, and 9 feet high and was placed just outside the KSP post, along with a generator.
KentuckyWired will enhance the speed and efficiency of the state police and government agencies throughout the Commonwealth and bring an economic boost as its middle mile network becomes available to the private sector, encouraging companies to build in Kentucky. It will also enhance healthcare, education, cellular phone service, and enrich the lives of all citizens of Kentucky. The first portion of the KentuckyWired network is expected to be functional in 2018.
Click here for a .pdf version of this item.

BTC Helps Build KentuckyWired
Frankfort, November 2, 2017 - Brandenburg Telephone Company (BTC) has entered into an agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky to build part of its KentuckyWired fiber optic cable project in Meade and Breckinridge counties. BTC will construct approximately 40 miles of the 3,400-mile ultra-high speed network that will extend into every county in the Commonwealth.
"I cannot stress how significant this partnership will be for economic development in our region," said Sen. Steve Meredith, of Leitchfield. "This improved access to broadband and enhanced bandwidth will allow businesses to grow and improve workforce development in our schools. I am pleased to see this partnership formed, and I appreciate the efforts from BTC and those in the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) for helping to make this possible."
"I want to commend the Brandenburg Telephone Company for working toward improving broadband speeds and access here in our community," said state Rep. Jeff Greer, of Brandenburg. "Broadband internet is more critical than ever when it comes to economic development and helping our students and teachers get the resources they need, not to mention those of us who rely on it for news and entertainment."
"There is no doubt that increasing access to faster internet speeds is an absolute must for our businesses, schools, first responders and improving overall quality of life, especially in our more rural areas of the state," said Rep. Dean Schamore, of Hardinsburg.
According to KCNA Executive Director Phillip Brown, the work done by BTC will speed up construction. "We're very happy to have Brandenburg Telephone's help with our project," he said. "From day one, KentuckyWired has worked to partner with local broadband providers to build its network."
Similar agreements with Cincinnati Bell Telephone, Eastern Kentucky Network, and Bluegrass Network have already saved the KentuckyWired project over $10 million.
"We are very happy to work with the Commonwealth of Kentucky and KCNA to support the KentuckyWired network," said Allison Willoughby, general manager of BTC.
Willoughby added that construction has already begun, and she expects the 40-mile portion of the project to be completed by April 2018.
(Click here for a .pdf version of this item.)

Inaugural Meeting of KCNA Advisory Group
October 19, 2017. The first meeting of the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) Advisory Group (KAG) was held Thursday afternoon in the capitol annex in Frankfort. Phillip Brown, Executive Director of KCNA, called the meeting to order saying the KentuckyWired project is "perhaps the largest infrastructure project of the history of the Commonwealth." KAG was established as an Advisory Group of major stakeholders to provide feedback on issues that are important to the user community and to the long-term sustainability of KentuckyWired as well as the advancement of broadband access to achieve its many economic and quality of life benefits throughout the Commonwealth. KCNA is the agency charged with overseeing KentuckyWired.
Phillip Brown spoke about how large and complicated the project is, and that it has faced its share of challenges; referring to the delays in obtaining pole attachment agreements to hang fiber cable on existing utility poles. The delay in gaining the agreements has led to delays in the overall construction, Brown said, adding KCNA hopes to have "the first ring lit sometime in 2018."
Nancy Ward, consultant for Solarity – a business consulting firm working with KCNA – spoke about the structure, responsibilities, and guiding principles of KAG. She also spoke about the need of broadband in Kentucky saying "Thirty-nine percent of rural communities don't have access to broadband."
The KAG will meet quarterly with the next meeting scheduled for January 18, 2018.
Presentation documents from this meeting may be found at https://kentuckywired-edit.ky.gov/Resinfo/Pages/KCNA-Advisory-Group.aspx

Live radio interview at WEKU - October 12, 2017
KCNA Executive Dirctor Phillip Brown and Communications Director Randy Lutke were at WEKU radio (88.9-FM) in Richmond, KY from 11-noon Thursday, October 12th, answering questions about KentuckyWired. Also being interviewed were Larry Combs from the Center for Rural Development and Sandi Curd, the Promise Zone Coordinator for Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation. Listen to the entire broadcast here.

KentuckyWired Making Strides
August 31, 2018 - Construction of a statewide high-speed internet network in Kentucky continues moving forward. Over 3,000 miles of 288-strand fiber optics cable, with nearly unlimited capacity, is expected to bring a boost to Kentucky’s economy, enhance education opportunities and facilitate greater coordination between first responders.
Obtaining pole attachment agreements with companies that own the utility poles that are needed for the project proved to be an obstacle in the beginning, but in recent weeks KentuckyWired has secured ninety percent of these agreements.
“Obtaining easements through private property is another significant component of the project, but we’re finding that almost all landowners are being very cooperative because the poles are already there,” said Phillip Brown, Executive Director of Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA). “We’re just adding another wire to the existing poles.”
So far, nearly 68 miles of underground conduit have been laid and six miles of aerial cable have been hung. Though delays in the early phases of the project pushed completion beyond the original project completion date in 2018, the KCNA is working with KentuckyWired’s private sector partners on establishing a new completion date that can more accurately forecast the project’s timeline.
Through their third-party partners like Cincinnati Bell Telephone Service, the East Kentucky Network and the Bluegrass Network, KentuckyWired is helping deliver ultra-high-speed internet service to even the most remote areas of the commonwealth. Completion of the project will make Kentucky the first state in the nation to bring ultra-high-speed internet capability to every county within its borders.

KCNA Announces Partnership with Bluegrass Network
The infrastructure partnership agreement was signed April 20, 2017.
When is KentuckyWired coming to my county?
The original project schedule is being refreshed to reflect relocation of offices, building renovation changes made during the site verification process, and other events that have impacted the schedule. A new schedule will be posted when the updates are complete. You can download the network map here.

Kentucky Digital Government Summit
Best of Kentucky Awards 2017
KentuckyWired and Louisville Metro Government awarded Best I.T. Collaboration during the April 2017 Summit held in Frankfort.
Elizabethtown Hut Delivered 6/7/17

Inez Getting Fiber From EKN

From the KCNA partner, EKN: Appalachian Wireless is running 144 strands of fiber optic cable right through Inez. And, KentuckyWired will soon follow with 144 more fiber strands. By point of reference, ONE fiber strand can carry the traffic of the entire internet at any given time. We are getting 288 strands…massively connected to the super high speed internet. Now we just have to put it to USE to bring jobs and other opportunities here!
Georgetown Hut Delivered 12/16/16

KCNA Announces New Executive Director
Phillip K. Brown has been appointed as Executive Director for the Kentucky Communications Network Authority. From January of 2016 through the end of the 2017 legislative session, he worked as the chief of staff and legislative liaison for the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet.
Brown has a background working for elected officials and trade associations in Washington, D.C. From 2007 to 2015, he worked as director of public policy and advocacy for Connected Nation, a non-profit organization that seeks to expand access, adoption, and use of broadband Internet. In that role, he functioned as a broadband policy advisor to 13 state governments.
In Washington, Brown worked as director of government relations for a broadcasting trade association. Brown also served for six and a half years in the U.S. House of Representatives, for both the 5th Congressional District of New Jersey and the 6th Congressional District of Kentucky.
Brown earned his undergraduate degree from Centre College and a master’s of business administration from the University of Louisville. He is a native of Nicholasville, Kentucky and lives in Louisville
Kentucky Communications Network Authority Funding Allowed Gateway Area Development District Communities to Plan for High Speed Broadband
KCNA provided grant funds to GADD for planning
Frankfort, Ky. (Nov. 30, 2016) – Grant funding from the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) allowed more than 70 key Gateway Area Development District (GADD) stakeholders from Montgomery, Menifee, Morgan, Rowan and Bath counties to plan how to best prepare for taking advantage of the KentuckyWired high speed broadband network currently under construction.
The GADD board of directors recently approved a comprehensive strategic plan, or roadmap, that provides regional goals and strategies as well as county-specific recommendations for plugging into the KentuckyWired broadband “middle mile”. The goal is to increase awareness and adoption and provide effective, affordable high-speed internet to citizens and businesses.
“This successful collaboration offers the Gateway area a unique opportunity to become a leader in broadband access in the state and in the nation,” said Chris Moore, executive director of KCNA, the agency overseeing the KentuckyWired project. “This is exactly the type of collaboration effort we wanted to support with the grant funds we provided.”
High speed internet will not only open up current opportunities, but also allow for the inevitable future growth and expansion of internet-based applications and technologies for communities to thrive. Broadband internet is now considered a necessary community infrastructure just like water, electricity and gas.
“This was a true partnership between the state, The Center for Rural Development, our board of directors and all of the community partners who participated. It was something to see and to be involved in. I am very glad to have a plan that we can work from and toward our goal of providing excellent broadband service in our region,” stated Gail Wright, executive director of GADD. “I appreciate the effort on our behalf and look forward to moving forward with the broadband initiative in our region.” more
KentuckyWired Statewide Broadband Network Initiative Moving Forward in Eastern Kentucky and Beyond
FRANKFORT, Ky. (Sept. 16, 2016) - Today Gov. Matt Bevin and U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers announced that the state’s broadband initiative, KentuckyWired, is moving forward with the initial build out in eastern Kentucky followed by the rest of the state. Since announced last year, significant progress has been made in engineering, site design and surveys along with strategic partnership agreements and more.
“Access to a skilled workforce is a critical factor for attracting employers, and is vital to making Kentucky’s economy robust and sustainable,” said Gov. Bevin. “Connecting companies and Kentuckians with high-speed, high-capacity Internet will lead to new opportunities and business growth. This will be a tremendous tool in growing our local economies and developing our workforce. Our administration is fully committed to the KentuckyWired project and we are excited at the possibilities before us as a result of its completion.”
“We are already getting a glimpse into the high-tech opportunities that will be available to Eastern Kentucky and across the Commonwealth with access to high-speed, high capacity broadband,” said Congressman Rogers, co-founder and co-chair of SOAR. “New jobs are being created through high-tech businesses, like BitSource in Pikeville and Interapt in Louisville, and grant funds have already been awarded to support planning projects for economic development and education. We are clearly on the right path and our future is looking brighter in our most rural communities.” more
Watch KentuckyWired press conference highlights.
Photo collage 9-16-16.pdf

East Kentucky Network Partnership Agreement Signed August 25, 2016

IJC on A&R, Budget Review Subcommittee Testimony
Executive Director, Chris Moore, testified at the August 1st meeting of the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue – Budget Review Subcommittee on General Government, Finance, and Public Protection.
Commonwealth Enters into a Strategic Agreement with Cincinnati Bell
Part of the KentuckyWired initiative, project construction costs will be reduced by approximately $3,000,000
FRANKFORT, KY (June 3, 2016) — Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) today announced the Commonwealth
will enter into a strategic agreement with Cincinnati Bell to partner on broadband network construction in northern Kentucky.
Cincinnati Bell provides integrated telecommunications solutions – including voice, data, high-speed Internet and video – to consumers and business customers across Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.
“Kentuckians will benefit from this agreement in two ways,” said executive director Chris Moore. “Firstly, by partnering with Cincinnati Bell and leveraging existing infrastructure, project construction costs will be reduced by approximately $3,000,000. The agreement highlights our ongoing commitment to work with existing infrastructure companies to efficiently and economically improve broadband services in the Commonwealth.”
In accordance with the performance standards required by the KentuckyWired project, Cincinnati Bell will install 166 miles of fiber optic cable in the following counties and communities: Kenton, Boone, Pendleton, Grant and Gallatin counties; and Falmouth, Williamstown, Newport, Covington, Florence, Erlanger, Highland Heights, Fort Mitchell, Fort Thomas and Warsaw.
KCNA welcomes Executive Director Chris Moore effective March 16, 2016. A native Kentuckian, Mr. Moore has more than 20 years legal experience in the telecommunications and technology field, most recently with the Federal Communications Commission in Washington D.C. Prior to that, he worked for the Rural Utilities Service on Capitol Hill and for a major telecommunications company. Originally from Henderson, Moore is a graduate of Transylvania University and the university of Kentucky College of Law.
Broadband and Your Community Workshop 101: Getting Started, The center for Rural Development was held June 29th.

E-nnovation Ashland Workshop
The Mayor of Ashland, Chuck D. Charles, addresses the E-nnovation Ashland workshop on Tuesday, May 3rd at Ashland Community Technical College. The City of Ashland is one of three communities awarded funding from the Commonwealth Office of Broadband Outreach & Development to establish plans for the strategic adoption and utilization of broadband and to promote connectivity with the KentuckyWired (KYW) fiber optic network.
Kentucky Municipal Association
April 28th Kentucky Municipal Utilities Association (KMUA) KentuckyWired presentation (3:00pm Lexington, Kentucky)
Broadband Community Summit in Austin Texas (April, 2016)
KCNA Board Member Lonnie Lawson at the 2016 Broadband Communities Summit in Austin, Texas. Representing Kentucky, Lawson is discussing the significance of broadband deployment.
SOAR Executive Committee Meeting (February 5th)
Gov. Bevin took a selfie with his co-chair, U. S. Rep. Rogers, at the SOAR Executive Committee Meeting on February 5 at Pine Mountain State Resort Park. Four students from Prestonsburg High School are included in the picture, along with their instructor and Brad Thomas representing East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC.) The students’ team won a technology contest, and EKPC surprised each of them with an Apple Watch.
KentuckyWired Launches
Eastern Kentucky is first priority for KentuckyWired project
HAZARD, Ky. (Aug. 31, 2015) – Reliable, high-speed Internet is coming to every county of the state, and supporters say the broadband project will be the key catalyst for profound and sweeping growth in job creation, health access and education. To celebrate the construction of the statewide KentuckyWired, I-Way broadband network, Gov. Steve Beshear, Congressman Hal Rogers, state and local officials and hundreds of citizens gathered at Hazard Community and Technical College to learn more about KentuckyWired and how Kentucky’s future will benefit from broadband. The broadband project will begin in eastern Kentucky and over the next three years will spread throughout the state. The benefits of broadband will break down geographic and financial barriers to education and economic development by providing access to affordable, high-quality Internet service to connect Kentuckians to the world. Read more